
Cheshire Calhoun is Professor of Philosophy at Arizona State University. Her work stretches across the philosophical subdisciplines of normative ethics, moral psychology, philosophy of emotion, feminist philosophy, and gay and lesbian philosophy. Her two newest books are Moral Aims: Essays on the Importance of Getting It Right and Practicing Morality with Others (OUP 2016) and Doing Valuable Time: the Present, the Future, and Meaningful Living (OUP 2018).  She is the author of Feminism, the Family, and the Politics of the Closet, the editor of Setting the Moral Compass: Essays by Women Philosophers, and the co-editor with Robert C. Solomon of What is an Emotion: Classic Readings in Philosophical Psychology.

Her published essays include articles on responsibility, appreciation forgiveness, integrity, shame, common decency, commitment, and civility in journals including Ethics, Hypatia, Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Political Philosophy and Philosophy and Public Affairs.  She is series editor for Oxford University Press’s Studies in Feminist Philosophy. She  taught at the College of Charleston, Colby College, and University of Louisville before coming to Arizona State University.